PHP sitemap maker



PHP Sitemap Maker is automatically generates a Google compliant sitemap XML file.


1. Upload sitemap_maker.php to the root of your web site. Example:


2. Open a web browser and navigate to the newly uploaded file.

3. Click on folders to open / colapse folders  and then check / uncheck the files to include or in your sitemap.

4. When your ready, click the "Make it!" button.





Enter the desired filename for the output file in the text field.

"Display" will render the sitempa to the browser window. This is a nice feature since your browser will automatically validate the XML.

"Download" will allow you to save the sitemap to your local PC.


How often search engines will review the sitemap to check for any changes.


Which pages are more important to YOU. Technically, each page can be rated individually on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0. However, according to most references, this has no bearing on how google indexes or prioritizes pages. We recommend just keeping this set to 0.5

File Types

Enter the extensions for files you want PHP Sitemap Maker to search for. Seperate each item with a space.

Ignore File Names

Enter specific file names to skip. For example, if you'd like to ignore all files named "bob.html", then enter bob.html (no quotes, just the base file name) into the field. seperate each entry with a space.

Ignore Folder Names

Sames as above, but for folders instede.

Ignore files and/or folders that start with...

You can choose to ignore files and folders that begin with a certain character, or couple of characters...

For example, you can add "_" or "copy of" to this setting and file names such as:

copy of index .html

... will be ignored.



Additional information on using sitemaps:

- http://www.sitemaps.org
- http://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html
- http://support.google.com/webmasters


Release Notes

2.1 Feb. 35, 2014
- Added "ignore files/dirs that END with" option.

2.1 Feb. 35, 2014
- Fixed issue with ignore directories.
- Changed links on files. Now toggles checkbox, put link off to side.
- Fixed potential issues for PHP set timezone requirements.
- Ironed some path discovery issues.

2.0 Feb. 1, 2012
- Basically the initial public release. (v1 was pure dev)



PHP Sitemap Maker

